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The Big Question


Lights flash briefly illuminating the excited faces of people. A sea of bodies jostling for a view. Your eyes scan the crowd with the calmness of a predator waiting to strike. You wait for the voices to settle down to a steady hum. Then you begin.  

"Windows 95 is now in store"  

You shout the words out and almost immediately the sea of people erupts once more with exited hisses and shouts. The year is 1995 and you, Bill Gates has just released the most revolutionary computer ever. As you should already know I will be arguing once more that Bill Gates is notable. However today I will dive into more depth of his character and even demonstrate my research on him. I will share perspectives from family members and talk in thorough detail about some of my tasks. Hopefully this will help you elaborate on your knowledge of Bill Gates and give you a better understanding of his perspective.  


First, I will share my research and the depth of knowledge which I have acquired during my research of my chosen sights. I have found many reliable and detailed sights clearly listing Bill Gate's achievements, Milestones and even important failures. Some of these sights in which I have extracted my needed information are well known already by me one of these is Britannica. Britannica has concise and clear points showing views by many people. This last bit is important because it ensures that the website is not bias to one person's point of view. I also occasionally used Wikipedia Though every time I found information from it; I would double check just in case it isn't correct. Other sources like Gates are also very helpful in putting together pieces of Bill's life. Here is a short Timeline from Bill Gate's life. I particularly found this site very helpful in my research. The reason is because it neatly plots out his achievements and gives me new topics to expand on.  


Next, I will be discussing significant events that have happened in Bill Gates life as well as sharing some hardships he had to face. There are quite a number of significant events that Bill Gates has lived through and there's even more which he created. So, to make it easier I will dot point down all events that I can think of and then you can compare them to what I have mentioned in my previous tasks.  

·       Entered Harvard University in 1973  

·       Created Micro-soft with Paul Allen in 1975  

·       Changed the name to Microsoft one year later  

·       Launched Windows In 1995  

·       It is the second Millennia!  

·       Bill and Melinda foundation is launched in 2000  

·       Helped eradicate polio from Africa in 2013  

·       Funded the reinvented toilet in 2018  

Obviously, there are many more, smaller achievements such as making windows 1 or creating the Xbox. But I have just included the most notable ones in my opinion. Bill Gates also faced many hardships however those hardships were normally created by him. What I mean is that when Bill Gates sets out to solve a problem the problem is never normally affecting him so when he sets out to solve it, he finds it easier. Even when he got in a lawsuit with Netscape, he made that problem so web browsers would be free. He sacrifices something every time he makes a problem of tries to fix one.  


The Next two paragraphs will be detailing Bill Gate's achievements and how he successfully executed these actions. These accomplishments have all been mentioned in my previous tasks however I will share them in more light and detail today. Probably the most well-known achievement Which Bill Gates accomplished was the creation of Micro-soft (or Microsoft as it was later renamed). Microsoft is a multinational giant of a company; it has a net worth of over one trillion dollars making it the third most valuable company in the world. And to think that this was all started by two high school dropouts. I think that it is a valuable lesson that if you put your mind to something your possibilities are limitless, and Bill Gates shows that flawlessly. There are arguably more creations which might be more notable, this is just from the perspective to best known too less well.   


Another achievement which was not done by Bill Gates was the Omni Processor. The reason I am saying that it wasn't built by Bill Gates is because it wasn't. The Omni Processor was a waste management plant which was funded and encouraged By Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Basically, Bill Gates was inspired to help deal with the sanitation problem in Africa by a new article post found in the paper. Using a combination of hard and tenacious work as well as an artillery filled with resources he set to work. He brought this Sanitation problem Janicki, and they set to work. The machine is self-sustaining and costs relatively low for how many lives it can save. All in all, it was an amazing bit of technology with a furnace, water filtration and a steam power plant all in one. Without the great minds of great people great things might not happen.  


This next paragraph will be a tricky one. I will have to delve deep in research and find the true personality of Bill Gates. What was his opinion of other people and how did people see him? These are the two main questions which I will be answering in this next paragraph. First what did Bill Gates think about the people around him. Gates has always been a very aggressive and ruthless businessman, but he was a lot more humane outside this industry. Bill Gates is a selfless, charitable man when it comes to issues. He is one of the best people equipped for this job, with a good attitude and money to spend. But aside from those public displays of charity we generally don't know much about his personality. The other side of. this is how do people around him see him as. Normally the average person would only see (as already mentioned) the charitable public displays of Bill Gates. Many people would disagree but there might be more to it than just those displays. Though it is hardly my place to make accusations. Though to sum up my point of view, Bill Gates is an amazing individual, he has given the world so much in terms of Microsoft and such, but his personality is much harder to discern.  


To reflect personally on my research and how Bill Gate's life was compared to my mine would have to break down what is being asked of me. Firstly, part of the reflection is to reflect on how you have presented the tasks and what level of work you believe you put into it. This specific part of the question is shown again when you mark your work on a reflection of all your tasks as well as the big question. I believe that I have put a large amount of effort in my work and research. I have tried my best to be as thorough as possible as well as getting to what I wanted to say without going off on a tangent. I have in its own way enjoyed doing the Night of the Notables tasks especially the big question. To be able to say all the work I have done is mi ne as well as working without any limits gives me pride. Doing a large task like this pushes me to be creative as well as organised and prepared. The second part of the personal reflection is to draw connections between me and my notable’s life. There isn't as many similarities between us to make me make a list so I'll just run through them. An obvious and quite a noticeable one is the amounts of reading Bill Gates does. As Sydney Grammar boy one thing which we pride ourselves on is the intensity of reading we do. And though I have not done as much reading as Bill did at my age, I daresay I enjoy it just as much. There are a few other ones which are common through most families which isn't any different with young Bill Gates. That of which I talk is the well-known dissent among siblings and even occasionally parents. This was even more common between Bill and his mother.  


In conclusion Bill Gates is a positive influence on humanity and has already so much for it. Through extensive research and hard work I have been able to present you with these facts and hopefully convince you that Bill Gates was Notable. I have shown his many achievements and milestones in his career, as well as demonstrating his hard work which he has invested into Microsoft. I have shown quick briefings and take away of my previous tasks as well as discussing how they link to the big question. I hope you have learnt something new, because I know I have. 

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