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Who am I?


I wonder if you can guess the subject of this rhyme

The man who I speak was unique for his time


He and Paul Allen created Microsoft

Their ideas were thought crazy before the business took aloft


He funded charities and started a foundation

His efforts are solving large issues in many nations


He’s a billionaire and a philanthropist

He wrote a book about avoiding the climate crisis


This man whom I speak has yet to pass away

he has been improving the world to this day


 He improved sanitation for many across the world

But it wasn't till the 90's that his business unfurled


He was born in October 1955

The middle child in a family of five


He would spend hours in his room reading everyday

But no one could guess the foundations he would someday lay


Did you guess the subject of this rhyme?

It is Bill Gates of course the largest philanthropist of his time

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