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Bill Gates Proposal

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning"

Today I will be presenting my night of the notable’s proposal, Bill Gates. As stated previously a notable person is someone who has a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity. I will share Bill’s amazing accomplishments, such as co-founding Microsoft, donating billions to charity and organisations which are currently tackling the world's largest issues. He also started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charitable organisation that is fixing world-wide poverty, helping educations and improving health care. While presenting these acts and achievements I will convince you that Bill Gates is the very embodiment of a notable person.

First, I will present my gathered information on the creation of the second largest company in the world, Microsoft. Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates on the 4th of April in 1975 with the help of a childhood friend. though at the time young prodigy Bill Gates was only 19. Nowadays Microsoft software is one of the most widely used and appreciated productivity software in the world. Bill’s invention brought the levels of technology to new heights and overall lowered the cost of private computers and technology software. This way computers and technology was more widespread, reaching global connection online. Bill was able to change the cost of computing software and using that he made this kind of tech accessible to the masses.

My next point of reason for why Bill Gates is a notable person is that he has donated over fifty billion dollars to charity. These funding’s have helped save thousands of lives in third world countries. He has done this by improving sanitation in towns and countries across the globe. As you read Bill Gates is researching and funding organisations that are tackling the world's largest issues. He has helped significantly towards fixing global warming and is currently working on solutions to eradicate malaria. All these selfless acts should show you that Bill Gates is a definite notable person. He has saved lives by donating billions to charities helping those in need. If that doesn’t stand for itself northing will.

My last point that I will show you is this. Not only is Bill Gates a philanthropist, a billionaire, and the founder of Microsoft, but he is also the co-starter of one of the most funded foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is an organisation bent on fixing the very worst of the world’s problems. It is well funded due to Bills fortune and well-staffed and managed. As I have already mentioned the Bill and Melinda foundation focuses on helping world-wide poverty, enhancing the health care in undeveloped and developed countries alike and making sure educations are being funded properly. This foundation has helped humankind and it is another prime example of why Bill Gates is a well fit candidate for my notable person.

In conclusion Bill Gates has succeeded and is still succeeding to improve life for many people and even humanity. He founded Microsoft, He donated billions to life saving charities, he even created a foundation so he could work on all the world’s worst problems with more ease. He has spent most of his life figuring out how to make life better for other people. He has done so much for us with so little in return and that is why he is my notable person.

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